Tax Diversification: Less Taxes, More Retirement Income

Do you want to reduce your taxes and increase your savings and income for retirement? Of course you do!

One such method is tax diversification. You may not be familiar with what this entails, which is why we’re here. If you want to find out everything from what tax diversification is to different tax diversification strategies, keep reading below for everything you need to know. Read More

Should I Take My Social Security Early Because of COVID-19?

During these tumultuous times of COVID-19, many older workers are uncertain about their financial future. 

Due to rising unemployment, volatile markets, and just the overall fear of COVID, questions about Social Security have come up frequently. Older workers, at least 62 years old, are beginning to consider claiming their Social Security early. In this blog post, we’ll cover the best retirement age (based on your financial goals), whether or not your social security benefits should be accessed early, and what a normal retirement looks like.  Read More