Should I Take My Social Security Early Because of COVID-19?

During these tumultuous times of COVID-19, many older workers are uncertain about their financial future. 

Due to rising unemployment, volatile markets, and just the overall fear of COVID, questions about Social Security have come up frequently. Older workers, at least 62 years old, are beginning to consider claiming their Social Security early. In this blog post, we’ll cover the best retirement age (based on your financial goals), whether or not your social security benefits should be accessed early, and what a normal retirement looks like.  Read More

How I’m Investing During COVID-19

It’s a tough financial time for many as we deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, but that doesn’t mean you have to lie down and let yourself get pummeled. There are things you can do to manage your assets!

If you’re fortunate enough to not have your family income reduced during this time, there are some opportunities to protect yourself and grow your long-term wealth if you are under the age of 55. Read More

Why COVID-19 is the Perfect Time For a Roth Conversion


These are uncertain times. People are getting laid off, the stock market has taken a hit, and and there are a lot of unanswered questions.

But this is also the perfect opportunity to get your retirement plan in order. In fact, there are many reasons that doing a Roth conversion is a great decision. And even better? It’s not hard to do.

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Don’t Let Coronavirus Derail Your Retirement Plans!

I don’t know!

That’s the only answer I have to some of the questions swarming around the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. There have been so many aggressive actions implemented in the dealing with the possible outbreak, but information is changing so fast that no one has any real certainty. Read More

COVID & Markets

The world is a big place and there is always something going on. The flavor of the month these days is the Coronavirus (COVID). If you have not heard about it, its merely a deadly and contagious flu in a section of China. As the media and financial analyst often do, the have a tendency to over blow just about anything to make you think they actually know how markets work. Read More