In some cases you may be actually better off financially to have a spouse die than to go into a nursing home. Here is a case that I continue to see over and over again. Read More

In some cases you may be actually better off financially to have a spouse die than to go into a nursing home. Here is a case that I continue to see over and over again. Read More
Anyone may arrange their affairs that their taxes shall be as low as possible; you are not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the Treasury. There is no patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes. Read More
There is a psychological perception that you must retire at the magic age of 65. Find out why that is not always the case or even the best plan. Read More
Investors have a tendency to only want advice that makes them feel good. They want a quick fix. Here is the quick fix… Good advice never changes while markets and opportunities change daily. Stay focused on your plan and you will be successful long-term. Read More