Do Elections Affect Your Retirement?

As election seasons roll around, the political climate intensifies, bringing with it a wave of speculation and uncertainty. Many people find themselves wondering if the outcome of elections will impact their retirement plans. While it’s true that elections can influence various aspects of the economy and financial markets, the real issue often lies in the sentiment and security of the retiree. Here, we will explore three key areas where elections might affect your retirement and emphasize that proper planning is the best way to prepare for post-election changes. Read More

Whose the Real Fiduciary Advisor

So you want to know what a Fiduciary is? In the world of financial advisors, the word “fiduciary” is thrown around a lot. But what does it actually mean?

You’re in luck. In this article, we’ll break down the differences between a Fiduciary and other Financial Advisors, as well as what it means for you and your retirement plan.

A fiduciary is someone who has a legal and ethical responsibility to act in their client’s best interest. In other words, they’re not allowed to make any decisions that will benefit themselves at their client’s expense.

Types of Financial Advisors: Who Is A Fiduciary

Titles such as financial advisor, wealth manager, investment advisor, registered representative, and even financial consultant do not help the average investor (prospect) distinguish skill and proficiency much less whether they are allowed to act as a fiduciary. Read More

Bad Investments (That Look Like Moneymakers)

Bad Investments (That Look Like Moneymakers)

When people first start to look closely at their finances, there’s a certain point at which they often ask themselves, “How can I use the money I have to make even more?” And while this is a great question—one that you should never stop asking!—it can unfortunately blind people to the very real risks involved.

As a result, what started off looking like a sure thing turns out to be a bad investment.

Bad investments can take many different forms, but there are a few that are more common than others. Learn what they are so you can avoid making a financial mistake that derails your retirement plan. Read More

8 Tax Free Investments You Should Know About

“Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin was certainly right about a lot of things over his lifetime. And it absolutely feels like taxes are unavoidable, but are they really? Well, no! There are certain investment types that are completely tax-free.

While you probably shouldn’t be too concerned with dropping the amount of taxes you pay each year down to zero, understanding how your investments can impact your taxes and using that to your advantage is a great way to maximize your money. Read More

Everyone Has Their Own Investment Playbook

Unless you’re living under a rock, you know that Tom Brady has made it to the Super Bowl a few times. Ten, to be exact.

You may also know that he didn’t win all of those. In fact, he lost three of them. Even the GOAT of football had a strategy that didn’t work every single time. So what does that mean for your investment strategy? Read More

Financial Tips I Wish I'd Known Sooner

Financial Tips I Wish I’d Known Sooner

Did you know that a whopping two in three families don’t have an emergency savings fund? Is it any wonder, then, that over half (53%) of adults feel financial anxiety?

These statistics are even more relevant in 2021. With the worldwide pandemic and global financial instability, we have a lot to lose. Are you feeling particularly anxious due to your finances this year?

If so, then the following financial tips are for you. Read on to learn some awesome finance facts that you’ll wish you’d known sooner! Read More

Investing For Beginners

Investing For Beginners

Investing can seem a challenging world to break into, or even understand sometimes. There are ETFs, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, CDs…and who could forget the good ole annuity? However, investing for beginners doesn’t need to be so complicated.

Becoming an investor is simply preparing your money for the future. Whether that’s investing in stocks or moving your money into other investments, your money should be working towards your future. Read More