The evolution of a financial plan will change over time, however, the process will always remain constant. Read More

The evolution of a financial plan will change over time, however, the process will always remain constant. Read More
Can I work and collect Social Security at the same time? Well only if you follow these rules. Read More
You and your husband prepared to retire together then the unfortunate happens. Here are some points to be prepared about if your husband predeceases you. Read More
Ever wonder if your financial advisor worries? Well I worry about my clients all the time. Here is a few things I am always concerned about that can destroy even the best laid plans. Read More
It’s been a rough start to 2016, however, understand that it’s “Time in the market that builds returns, not Timing”. Let’s look at some things that we can do during market declines. Read More
As is so often the case, we fear what we don’t know. It can be a daunting task to have the courage to finally face your finances head-on and make the decision to meet with a financial advisor. If you have thought about it in the past to meet with me but have been fearful and don’t know what to expect, I thought I would share with you some information as to what will happen at our initial meeting.