Understanding Financial Advisor Compensation: No Moral High Ground

When it comes to hiring a financial advisor, understanding how they get paid is crucial. The compensation structure not only influences their advice but can also affect your financial outcomes. However, one should not assume that any particular compensation method holds a moral high ground over another. Let’s explore the various ways financial advisors charge for their services and why none inherently stands as more ethical than the others. Read More

The Stupidity of Voting Yourself a Raise

In recent years, discussions about inflation have dominated headlines, kitchen tables, and policy debates alike. A key factor in these discussions is the role of minimum wage increases, often overlooked amidst broader economic narratives. As voters, we play a pivotal role in shaping the economic landscape, including decisions on minimum wage policies. This blog aims to shed light on how voting for higher minimum wages can influence inflation and, subsequently, the cost of everyday goods and services.

Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, eroding purchasing power. While it is influenced by a multitude of factors, one of the more direct factors is the cost of labor—specifically, the minimum wage. Read More

Bitcoin, FOMO, Retirees

In the investment world, the recent meteoric rise of Bitcoin has become a topic of intense discussion, stirring a complex mix of excitement, speculation, and, for many, a palpable sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Let’s delve into the dynamics behind Bitcoin’s surge, the psychological pitfalls of FOMO for investors and retirees, and weigh the risks against the potential benefits of incorporating Bitcoin into one’s investment portfolio. Read More

Think Before You Cancel that Policy

Long-term care insurance serves as a vital tool in preserving assets for future goals and determining the level of care one desires when facing long-term care needs. However, the landscape of LTC insurance has shifted, with premium increases causing concern among retirees and sparking debates on whether to retain these policies. Read More

Risk, Reward, and Time in Investment Decisions

Investment is an intricate dance of three crucial factors: risk, reward, and time. While it’s tempting to believe that mastering these components will unlock the secrets of a successful investment journey, there’s an inherent unpredictability that even the savviest investor cannot outrun. Let’s delve deeper into this and uncover why, despite our best calculations, the outcome remains an enigma. Read More

What Are Three Benefits of Having Long-term Care Preparations

In today’s rapidly aging society, the topic of long-term care is more relevant than ever. This care is often necessary for those who can no longer independently perform everyday activities due to a chronic illness, disability, or cognitive impairment. While most people hope they never have to face these circumstances, it’s wise to prepare in advance. Here are three benefits of having long-term care preparations: Read More

Do You Need a Will, Trust, or Both?

Estate planning may sound like something only the ultra-wealthy need to think about. Images of sprawling mansions, vintage cars, and family heirlooms might come to mind. However, estate planning isn’t just about wealth. It’s about ensuring that what you leave behind, no matter how modest or grand, is handled the way you want it to be. Read More