Is There Stock Market Manipulation in the Short-Term?

In the complex world of stock markets, understanding the forces at play can be a challenging task. Among these forces, one topic that piques interest and raises eyebrows is stock market manipulation. With the democratization of stock trading and the rise of technology such as high-frequency trading, the question of stock market manipulation, particularly in the short term, becomes more pertinent. Read More

Unmasking the Debt Ceiling: A Political Stunt or Fiscal Reality?

The U.S. debt ceiling has been a hot topic of debate in recent years. Despite the serious overtones attached to this topic, is it possible that the hullabaloo surrounding the debt ceiling is more of a political maneuver rather than a genuine fiscal concern? Let’s delve into the history and the underlying constitutional provisions to find out. Read More

Negative News is the Greatest Challenge for Investors to Overcome

In today’s world, we are inundated with negative news at every turn. From political turmoil to natural disasters to economic uncertainty, it can be difficult to avoid the constant barrage of bad news. For investors, this can be especially challenging. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why living in a world of negative news is the greatest challenge for investors to overcome and what they can do to manage it. Read More