Order of Return Risk

by Richard E. Reyes, CFP

THE DAY YOU RETIRE AND START TAKING MONEY OUT OF A PORTFOLIO, ALL THE RULES CHANGE AND AVERAGE RETURNS DON’T MATTER. This statement goes against what most retirees think. The day you retire there is only one thing that matters and that is the order of returns. Read More

Having A Trans (Identity) Problem?

by Richard E. Reyes, CFP

We live in a time of confusion. Recent news headlines have created a national conversation on terms like transracial and transgender. I meet with confused people all the time, but the worst are those that have a financial identity crisis. Read More

One Size DOESN’T Fit All

by Richard E. Reyes, CFP

Every day we are bombarded with one-size fits all investing advice. Why is it that people read this stuff and believe that the advice applies to them? Do you think the person giving you this information knows anything about your financial goals and the time frame over which you need to accomplish them? Read More

Your Feelings Can Be Expensive

by Richard E. Reyes, CFP

Imagine an advisor coming to you with an investment plan which sounds something like this….when times are good, when stocks are higher in price, and you feel good…we are going to buy because we want to make sure you feel good. And, of course, when times are bad, when stocks are bad and they are going down and you feel fearful, we are going to sell and go to cash. Because it’s always more important that you feel good.

I am describing it sarcastically and it sounds ridiculous – Right? But that’s actually what people want to hear, what they have come to expect, and what most of the financial advisors and many in the financial industry preach that they can do. Read More

Buy Low / Sell High on Autopilot

by Richard E. Reyes, CFP

Everyone has heard of a simple strategy “buy low/sell high” meaning sell equities when prices appreciate and buy them when their prices are low. Easy right? Anybody can do that. Well frankly, it is simple to understand, but harder to do when you’re caught up in the stress and excitement of investing. Read More

Because Its Not About Your “Feelings”

by Richard E. Reyes, CFP

Imagine an advisor coming to you with an investment plan which sounds something like this….when times are good, when stocks are higher in price, and you feel good…we are going to buy because we want to make sure you feel good. And, of course, when times are bad, when stocks are bad and they are going down and you feel fearful, we are going to sell and go to cash. Because it’s always more important that you feel good.

I am describing it sarcastically and it sounds ridiculous – Right? But that’s actually what people want to hear, what they have come to expect, and what most of the financial advisors and many in the financial industry preach that they can do. Read More