Check Your Cover; Medicare Mistakes

by Richard E. Reyes, CFP

Its that time of year. Medicare annual enrollment. Here is why its important to check your coverage. 90% to 95% of beneficiaries OVERPAY because they don’t have the right information.

10 to 15 minutes will get you moving in the right direction. Call Don Kirkendall at our office or e-mail him at Read More

Panic, Fear & Asteroids

by Richard E. Reyes, CFP

Here we go again. What’s going on and what you have to do now. If you have no idea what you are doing, and worse yet, your financial advisor has no idea what you are doing, CALL ME! If you have no plan, no process, or no idea – CALL ME.


Order of Return Risk

by Richard E. Reyes, CFP

THE DAY YOU RETIRE AND START TAKING MONEY OUT OF A PORTFOLIO, ALL THE RULES CHANGE AND AVERAGE RETURNS DON’T MATTER. This statement goes against what most retirees think. The day you retire there is only one thing that matters and that is the order of returns. Read More

Having A Trans (Identity) Problem?

by Richard E. Reyes, CFP

We live in a time of confusion. Recent news headlines have created a national conversation on terms like transracial and transgender. I meet with confused people all the time, but the worst are those that have a financial identity crisis. Read More

Getting A Late Start

by Richard E. Reyes, CFP

Some folks are prepared for retirement and some aren’t but baby boomers are rushing into retirement and are in a tough spot as they are late in the game. If you’re in this group, there’s no way around it. However, there are things that you can do on your own that have nothing to do with investing. Read More