Think Before You Cancel that Policy

Long-term care insurance serves as a vital tool in preserving assets for future goals and determining the level of care one desires when facing long-term care needs. However, the landscape of LTC insurance has shifted, with premium increases causing concern among retirees and sparking debates on whether to retain these policies. Read More

Why Investors Fail

Right now, the stock market is making headlines, setting new records almost every day. Investors are celebrating, and it seems like everything is going great. But, before we start cheering along with them, let’s take a step back and understand some essential investing lessons. Learning these simple principles of investing can set you on a path to financial success in the future. Read More

Wall Street vs. Main Street vs. Wall Street

In the world of finance, two distinct terms often arise: Wall Street and Main Street. These terms represent different aspects of the financial world, but they also share some similarities. Let’s delve into both the differences and similarities between Wall Street and Main Street and how they impact investors. Read More

Why Your Home Isn’t Always a Great Investment (And Why Renting Can Make Sense)

For generations, owning a home in the United States has been synonymous with financial stability and success. The idea is simple: purchase a property, watch its value rise over time, and benefit from the appreciation. However, like any investment, home ownership isn’t foolproof and with the rise in home costs, it’s often unaffordable to purchase a home.  In many scenarios, renting might be a wiser choice. Here are four reasons why a home might not be the excellent investment you think, followed by four compelling reasons to consider renting instead. Read More

Do You Need a Will, Trust, or Both?

Estate planning may sound like something only the ultra-wealthy need to think about. Images of sprawling mansions, vintage cars, and family heirlooms might come to mind. However, estate planning isn’t just about wealth. It’s about ensuring that what you leave behind, no matter how modest or grand, is handled the way you want it to be. Read More

Why Financial Media Is Obsessed with Economic Apocalypse (And Why You Shouldn’t Be)

In an age where 24-hour news cycles and breaking updates ping our smartphones by the minute, one cannot help but notice a recurrent theme in financial media: the obsession with economic doom and the end of the world as we know it. From market crashes to currency collapses, these apocalyptic predictions have become as predictable as the morning’s sunrise. But why? And should investors really be on high alert? Read More