FedNow & the Dangers of Government-Backed Digital Currency

The Federal Reserve is currently developing a new instant payment system called FedNow. This service aims to enable banks and financial institutions to offer real-time payments to their customers, allowing for the instant transfer of funds 24/7. FedNow could have a significant impact on how individuals manage their money, as it will make it easier and faster to send and receive payments, pay bills, and transfer funds between accounts. Read More

Dealing with A Divorce During Retirement

Divorce is always a difficult and emotional experience, but it can become even more complicated when it happens during retirement. Not only does a divorce in retirement affect your personal life, but it can also have a significant impact on your financial future. Retirees who have carefully planned for their golden years may suddenly face unexpected changes in their financial situation due to a divorce. Read More

ESG : How the Government Destroys Markets and Your Retirement

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing has seen an unprecedented surge in recent years. While ESG factors should lead to more sustainable and responsible investments, there are concerns that the government push for ESG is distorting markets and negatively impacting retirees and their portfolios. In this blog post, we will discuss how government involvement in ESG investments create unintended consequences, and what retirees can do to protect their portfolios from volatility and maintain a reliable income stream. Read More

The Myths of Retirement

Retirement is a significant milestone in everyone’s life. It’s the time when you finally get to reap the fruits of your labor, relax, and enjoy the rest of your life. Unfortunately, there are many myths that people believe about retirement before they retire, which can lead to unrealistic expectations and financial troubles down the line. In this post, we’ll discuss these common myths about retirement so that you can be better prepared for your new journey. Read More

investing and super bowl bet

Picking the Winning Team in the Super Bowl Doesn’t Make You a Good Investor

As we approach the Super Bowl, many of us are excited about the big game and might even place bets on your favorite team. However, it’s important to understand that just because you can pick the winning team in the Super Bowl, it doesn’t mean AT ALL that you are a good investor. Read More

The Stock Market Can’t Save You

As you get closer to retirement, much of your success will be determined on how much you have saved. Unfortunately, if you didn’t do a great job of putting money away, the stock market can’t save you.

The stock market can be a great way to grow your wealth and since its inception has provided extremely generous returns to patient and prudent investors. However,if you don’t save enough money, the returns can’t save you.

A lot of people think that investing in the stock market is easy. All they have to do is invest their money and then let the market do its thing. But that’s not true! Read More

5 Tips to Transition Into Retirement

You’ve made it! You’ve reached retirement.

Now what?

When it comes to retirement, many people focus almost entirely on the money. Retirement is a time of transition. It’s the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. It can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. There are lots of things you can do to make your new lifestyle as successful as possible—and we’re here to help you get started.

There’s no one right way to retire; every person’s path is different and unique. But there are some best practices that can make your transition into retirement smoother and more successful.

Here are 5 tips for a happy transition into your new life. Read More

Stop ESG Investing

If you are saving for retirement (or retired) it is in your best interest to get as much out of your investments in the stock market as possible. You should always eliminate political virtue signalling from your investment decision-making.

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. The strategy means investing in companies that score high on these factors as determined by a (usually biased) third-party company or group. The assumption is that the better a company’s ESG score is, the better their overall performance.

ESG investing sounds great. It also makes you feel good about the investments you make and should help you sleep better at night. But it may not be all that it seems, especially for investors who don’t fully understand what it is and how it works. Read More