The Importance of Cash in Retirement

When planning for retirement, many people focus on maximizing the return on their investments. While growing your money is important, there’s an often-overlooked aspect of financial security in retirement: keeping a healthy amount of cash readily available. Having quick access to cash, even a substantial amount, can be crucial for a successful and stress-free retirement. Here are three key reasons why maintaining a cash reserve is vital. Read More

Medicare and Income; Be Careful Taking that IRA Distribution

When people retire, they often wonder what to do with the money in their 401(k) from their former employer. Be careful about withdrawing all the money at once just because you can. While there’s no tax penalty for withdrawing after age 59 ½, taking a large amount at once can impact your Medicare costs if you’re over 63. Read More

Why Taxing Unrealized Gains is Absurd

There has been increasing talk of taxing unrealized capital gains, especially targeting individuals with assets over $100 million. While this might sound like a good way to ensure the ultra-wealthy pay their “fair share,” there are significant downsides to this approach. Lets explore three reasons why taxing unrealized gains is wrong and how it could eventually affect everyday investors if the policy trickles down. Read More

Should I Take My Social Security Early Because of COVID-19?

During these tumultuous times of COVID-19, many older workers are uncertain about their financial future. 

Due to rising unemployment, volatile markets, and just the overall fear of COVID, questions about Social Security have come up frequently. Older workers, at least 62 years old, are beginning to consider claiming their Social Security early. In this blog post, we’ll cover the best retirement age (based on your financial goals), whether or not your social security benefits should be accessed early, and what a normal retirement looks like.  Read More