Are You Considering Delaying Retirement

Have you been thinking about delaying retirement?

If so, you’re not alone. According to a recent survey of American workers, more than half of those surveyed said they plan on working past the age of 65. But why?

  • Is it because people are getting living longer?
  • Do you need to work longer to save up enough money to retire?
  • Is it that rapid inflation means retirement is going to cost more?
  • Are just plain scared of what happens when you stop working?

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Retirement and Recession

What Should Retirees Be Concerned With During A Recession

We are now officially into a full-fledged recession based on the data from the last two quarters. So welcome to Recession 2022 – The New Economy.

For the last few months, we have participated in several forums and conferences speaking about recessions and its effect on markets, your finances, retirement, and the opportunities that investors may have. Read More

Life Insurance Is an Investment!

What’s the best way to invest in your future?

Life insurance is an investment…in more ways than one.


For all its benefits, only 54% of Americans have some form of life insurance, which means there’s a pretty good chance that you’re one of the millions of adults without this vital form of coverage.

Perhaps you think you can’t afford it. Or you’re overwhelmed by all the options in the marketplace. Maybe you simply don’t like thinking about your own mortality.

However, I think more people should review life insurance as part of their overall retirement and family planning. Read More

8 Tax Free Investments You Should Know About

“Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin was certainly right about a lot of things over his lifetime. And it absolutely feels like taxes are unavoidable, but are they really? Well, no! There are certain investment types that are completely tax-free.

While you probably shouldn’t be too concerned with dropping the amount of taxes you pay each year down to zero, understanding how your investments can impact your taxes and using that to your advantage is a great way to maximize your money. Read More

Should I Pay Off My Mortgage?

All the financial experts say debt is bad.

Should I pay off my mortgage as early as I can?

Sooner or later, every homeowner begins to dream about the day when they own their home free and clear. No more mortgage payments…extra money each month to invest…what’s not to love?

Even financial experts like Dave Ramsey are known for singing the praises of ridding yourself of any and all debt—including your mortgage.

Whether this is a realistic goal or not, it leaves many homeowners wondering, “Should I pay off my mortgage early?”

Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple yes or no answer, but I can (hopefully) put your mind at ease about getting out of debt. Read More

Everyone Has Their Own Investment Playbook

Unless you’re living under a rock, you know that Tom Brady has made it to the Super Bowl a few times. Ten, to be exact.

You may also know that he didn’t win all of those. In fact, he lost three of them. Even the GOAT of football had a strategy that didn’t work every single time. So what does that mean for your investment strategy? Read More