Investing vs. Speculating

Investing vs Speculating

By now, you’ve probably heard about the Gamestop/Reddit saga on Wall Street. Since there’s a Netflix movie coming about the topic, I won’t go deep into detail, but the short version is this:

A group of retail investors (individuals who manage their own investments), noticed and attacked a trend in the stock market. Some people felt that an opportunity arose to play against the large hedge funds and the war was on. It made national news and a ton of money changed hands over the course of a few crazy weeks.

In the end, there were still more losers than winners and life goes on, but what is the real takeaway here? Were all of those people investing or speculating? What is speculating, exactly, anyway? Read More

Financial Tips I Wish I'd Known Sooner

Financial Tips I Wish I’d Known Sooner

Did you know that a whopping two in three families don’t have an emergency savings fund? Is it any wonder, then, that over half (53%) of adults feel financial anxiety?

These statistics are even more relevant in 2021. With the worldwide pandemic and global financial instability, we have a lot to lose. Are you feeling particularly anxious due to your finances this year?

If so, then the following financial tips are for you. Read on to learn some awesome finance facts that you’ll wish you’d known sooner! Read More

Investing For Beginners

Investing For Beginners

Investing can seem a challenging world to break into, or even understand sometimes. There are ETFs, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, CDs…and who could forget the good ole annuity? However, investing for beginners doesn’t need to be so complicated.

Becoming an investor is simply preparing your money for the future. Whether that’s investing in stocks or moving your money into other investments, your money should be working towards your future. Read More

What is a 401k? Must-Know Retirement Plan Basics

What Is a 401k? Must-Know Retirement Plan Basics

Did you know that 48% of older Americans have no savings in retirement plans (such as an IRA or 401k)? If you’re one of them, there’s a good chance that you’ll face very serious financial issues as you grow older.

The good news is that it’s never too late to get started! Once you understand the must-know retirement plan basics, you can open an account and start putting money away for your future. 

Stick with us as we answer important questions like “What is a 401k plan?” and “How does a 401k work.” By the time we’re done, you’ll feel confident opening up one of your own. Read More

Don’t Let Coronavirus Derail Your Retirement Plans!

I don’t know!

That’s the only answer I have to some of the questions swarming around the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. There have been so many aggressive actions implemented in the dealing with the possible outbreak, but information is changing so fast that no one has any real certainty. Read More

Retirement Changes All the Rules

The world of accumulation is a whole lot different than the world of distribution. Retirement Changes ALL the Rules! Yet many (MOST) financial advisors and retirees want to continue using the same rules which often may destroy your retirement plan. If you want to make sure you understand the world of distribution, learn how to build a Perpetual Retirement Income Plan. You can order our book here. Read More