Understanding Financial Advisor Compensation: No Moral High Ground

When it comes to hiring a financial advisor, understanding how they get paid is crucial. The compensation structure not only influences their advice but can also affect your financial outcomes. However, one should not assume that any particular compensation method holds a moral high ground over another. Let’s explore the various ways financial advisors charge for their services and why none inherently stands as more ethical than the others. Read More

Why Investors Fail

Right now, the stock market is making headlines, setting new records almost every day. Investors are celebrating, and it seems like everything is going great. But, before we start cheering along with them, let’s take a step back and understand some essential investing lessons. Learning these simple principles of investing can set you on a path to financial success in the future. Read More

Wall Street vs. Main Street vs. Wall Street

In the world of finance, two distinct terms often arise: Wall Street and Main Street. These terms represent different aspects of the financial world, but they also share some similarities. Let’s delve into both the differences and similarities between Wall Street and Main Street and how they impact investors. Read More

Stop ESG Investing

If you are saving for retirement (or retired) it is in your best interest to get as much out of your investments in the stock market as possible. You should always eliminate political virtue signalling from your investment decision-making.

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. The strategy means investing in companies that score high on these factors as determined by a (usually biased) third-party company or group. The assumption is that the better a company’s ESG score is, the better their overall performance.

ESG investing sounds great. It also makes you feel good about the investments you make and should help you sleep better at night. But it may not be all that it seems, especially for investors who don’t fully understand what it is and how it works. Read More

Looking For the Perfect Investment? Here’s the Secret….

We are in some weird times right now. A few weeks ago, I would have never imagined that I would have to plan for our federal, state and local governments to shut down an entire economy due to a pandemic like the coronavirus (COVID-19).

I have been through several economic downturns in the past and, unfortunately, it’s times like this that many investors will panic and make some big money mistakes.

And one of the biggest mistakes is trying to search for the “perfect investment.”  Read More

Why COVID-19 is the Perfect Time For a Roth Conversion


These are uncertain times. People are getting laid off, the stock market has taken a hit, and and there are a lot of unanswered questions.

But this is also the perfect opportunity to get your retirement plan in order. In fact, there are many reasons that doing a Roth conversion is a great decision. And even better? It’s not hard to do.

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