The Role of Luck in Investing and Life

Luck, they say, is when preparation meets opportunity. As much as we all want to believe that our successes in life and investing are purely the product of hard work and strategy, there’s an undeniable element of luck involved as well. Luck is an intriguing aspect of financial planning and how it plays into the grand scheme of our lives. Read More

Is There Stock Market Manipulation in the Short-Term?

In the complex world of stock markets, understanding the forces at play can be a challenging task. Among these forces, one topic that piques interest and raises eyebrows is stock market manipulation. With the democratization of stock trading and the rise of technology such as high-frequency trading, the question of stock market manipulation, particularly in the short term, becomes more pertinent. Read More

Negative News is the Greatest Challenge for Investors to Overcome

In today’s world, we are inundated with negative news at every turn. From political turmoil to natural disasters to economic uncertainty, it can be difficult to avoid the constant barrage of bad news. For investors, this can be especially challenging. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why living in a world of negative news is the greatest challenge for investors to overcome and what they can do to manage it. Read More

FedNow & the Dangers of Government-Backed Digital Currency

The Federal Reserve is currently developing a new instant payment system called FedNow. This service aims to enable banks and financial institutions to offer real-time payments to their customers, allowing for the instant transfer of funds 24/7. FedNow could have a significant impact on how individuals manage their money, as it will make it easier and faster to send and receive payments, pay bills, and transfer funds between accounts. Read More

investing and super bowl bet

Picking the Winning Team in the Super Bowl Doesn’t Make You a Good Investor

As we approach the Super Bowl, many of us are excited about the big game and might even place bets on your favorite team. However, it’s important to understand that just because you can pick the winning team in the Super Bowl, it doesn’t mean AT ALL that you are a good investor. Read More

Making This Tik-Tok Mistake

Let me tell you what the downside of social media is and why its destructive to your portfolio, especially for younger investors.

There is plenty of data and math available in reference to investing that’s pretty solid. No matter how much institutions and traders try to manipulate this information, the time-tested rules are always going to win out over time. Read More

When Is the Best Time to Invest?

Investing in the stock market is a great way to grow your money for retirement, but it can also be extremely nerve-wracking. The markets are always volatile, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to ride out the ups and downs.

The truth is, there’s no perfect time to invest. There will always be an element of risk involved—no matter what your investment strategy is or how much time you’ve put into researching your portfolio. But with these tips, you’ll be able to reduce some of the volatility of the market so that when things do go down (and they will!), your losses won’t be as severe. Read More