Why Financial Media Is Obsessed with Economic Apocalypse (And Why You Shouldn’t Be)

In an age where 24-hour news cycles and breaking updates ping our smartphones by the minute, one cannot help but notice a recurrent theme in financial media: the obsession with economic doom and the end of the world as we know it. From market crashes to currency collapses, these apocalyptic predictions have become as predictable as the morning’s sunrise. But why? And should investors really be on high alert? Read More

What Married Women Should Know About Retirement

You and your husband have likely planned for your retirement together. However, unpleasant as it is to think about, statistically women are likely to outlive their husbands. So it’s important for women in particular to talk regularly and frankly with me about retirement, and how it might change if their personal circumstances change. Read More

The Psychology Behind Bad Investment Decisions

Investing your hard-earned money is much like navigating a labyrinth; exciting, unpredictable, and occasionally a wee bit terrifying. However, it’s the allure of potentially striking gold that drives us to venture into the maze, often leading to some, let’s say, less than stellar decisions. But, what makes us justify our bad decisions in investing? Read More

Don’t Fall for Fancy Math

Once upon a time, in the ever-fascinating world of finance, the siren call of complex charts and mind-boggling excel sheets beckon. Cloaked in a wizard’s robe, the financial planner appears with a twinkle in his eye, pulling you into the maze of retirement planning. They allure you with tales of turning your hard-earned $100,000 into a magical $1,000,000 retirement portfolio. And as mesmerizing as it sounds, I’m here to be your reality check. Don’t fret, the journey to the financial fountain of youth isn’t as arcane as it seems. So, buckle up as we deep dive into the wild world of retirement planning, debunking myths, and sprinkling reality checks along the way. Read More

The Federal Reserve & Inflation: 3 Reasons Why the Fed can’t Cure Inflation

Inflation is a complex economic phenomenon, often simplified as a general increase in the prices of goods and services over time. It is commonly believed that the Federal Reserve, or ‘the Fed’, has the tools to cure inflation. However, upon closer examination, one might discover that the methods used by the Fed to manage inflation can sometimes exacerbate the issue instead. Read More

The Role of Luck in Investing and Life

Luck, they say, is when preparation meets opportunity. As much as we all want to believe that our successes in life and investing are purely the product of hard work and strategy, there’s an undeniable element of luck involved as well. Luck is an intriguing aspect of financial planning and how it plays into the grand scheme of our lives. Read More

Why the Government Loves Your 401(k)

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch,” but when it comes to tax-deferred retirement accounts, it might seem like the government is offering just that. A closer look, however, unveils an intriguing retirement strategy that benefits both parties: the individual saver and the government. It’s a tale of tax-time savings for you and eventual tax revenue for Uncle Sam. Read More